
Technical Documentation for MFS and Credit Card Payment Billing

MFS and Credit Card Payment Billing Integration.

Step 1

When any end user will enter into client portal and want to buy any product, client will show him a page or pop up of different option of payment like bkash,rocket,visa,master etc.

Step 2

After choosing payment option by end user, client will send payment request to wintel through bellow wintel payment request url.

Parameters Description

Parameter Name Type Required Remarks
clientID String Y Fixed value which wintel will provide to client, for example here clientID is ‘abc’
uniqID String Y Unique for every transaction, here for example uniqID is ‘88345’
totalAmount String Y Payment amount and here for example it is 10
paymentOption String Y payment Option and here for example it is ‘bKash’ Different Values of paymentOption are given bellow.
Different Values of paymentOption are given bellow

Step 3

Then User will enter bkash or payment option site and complete the transaction.

Step 4

Then after completing the transaction by end user, Wintel will inform client end user transaction status through a notification URL and redirect end user to a callback url for both cases, success or fail transaction.Client will be confirmed about the transaction status by checking spCode parameter value. spCode value will be 000 for success transaction..

Both notification url and callback url will be provided by client to wintel and their format is same and as like below.

Callback url and notification url format for client

Parameters Description

Parameter Name Type Required Remarks
txID String Y Transaction id which client sent previously in step 2 as uniqID through wintel payment request URL.
txnAmount String Y Payment amount which client sent previously in step 2 as totalAmount through wintel payment request URL.
spCode String Y status code of transaction.
spCode value will be 000 for success transaction.
001 for fail transaction.
Other than 000 value are all fail transaction.
spCodeDes String Y Status Code description of transaction through which client can understand the reason of fail transaction.
paymentOption String Y PaymentOption which client sent previously in step 2 as paymentOption through wintel payment request.